Tailwind vs Bootstrap

This blog explores the differences between Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap, assisting developers in selecting the optimal framework for their projects.

Simplify CSS selector grouping and styling with :where() and :is()

:where() and :is() are new additions to CSS that make it easier to select and style elements on a webpage by grouping selectors and applying styles to multiple elements at once.

Integrate Tailwind CSS in Electron

In this blog, we will learn how to integrate Tailwind CSS in Electron, a popular framework for building desktop applications with web technologies.

Control the specificity and order of styles with CSS Cascading Layers

Cascading layers is a new feature in CSS to maintain and order the stylesheet in which we can cascade and organize the CSS more efficiently.

Styling form inputs(checkbox, radio, range, and progress) with accent-color

The new CSS accent-color property is capable of editing the accented color of form controls provided by the browser’s default styles with a custom color value. In this article we’ll take a look at what it does and how to use it alongside color-scheme for simple, accessible checkboxes and radio button.

Evaluating Media queries in a Range Context

Media Queries Level 4 specification has introduced a new syntax for writing media queries that have a range type. We can now use common mathematical comparison operators like <, >,<=, >= instead of min/max prefixes.

Two new properties in CSS - overflow:clip and overflow-clip-margin

overflow: clip and overflow: hidden both do the same job of hiding content that overflows. However, overflow: clip also disables programmatic scrolling. Another property overflow-clip-margin controls how far from the element's edge the clipping begins.

Meet the most awaited CSS container queries

CSS container queries are similar to media queries, but related to a container element size rather than the viewport size.

Understanding the CSS parent selector :has()

If we want to target the parent element based on the content or the child elements we can use :has().

Understanding CSS Feature Queries

CSS Feature Queries are a relatively new addition to the CSS specification, and provide a powerful tool for detecting support for various CSS features in the user's browser.