
React State management - Part 2

Learn some of the inherent ways of managing state without using any external state management tool.

Tips to make React application more accessible

Making web applications accessible to all the users is an important aspect to be considered while developing. React fully supports building accessible websites, often by using standard HTML techniques.

Deep dive into the new Suspense Server-side Rendering ( SSR ) architecture in React 18

The new SSR foundation allows us to combine streaming server-side rendering with a new approach to hydration - Selective Hydration! It also prioritizes hydrating the parts the user is interacting with, creating an illusion of instant hydration.

Sneak peek into React 18 useDeferredValue hook

The useDeferredValue hook allows us to mark some tasks as less important, making the app feel more responsive, thereby improving the user experience.

Meet the new hook useSyncExternalStore, introduced in React 18 for external stores

The most significant update of React 18 comes with concurrent rendering. However, with the external store, there are some issues(tearing) that come up with concurrent rendering. To fix these issues, React 18 provides a new hook, useSyncExternalStore.

Navigation in React Router 6

React Router provides us with an easy-to-use interface for navigation, allowing us to manipulate and subscribe to the browser's history stack.

Understanding Hydration in React applications(SSR)

Hydration is used only with server-side rendering (SSR). It is a process of rendering our components and attaching event handlers.

React 18 provides useId API for generating unique IDs on both the client and server

React 18 introduces a new hook API - useId, that generates stable ids during server rendering and hydration to avoid mismatches.

What's new in React Router 6?

React Router 6 has some amazing features added with improved bundle size.

Different ways to handle state in React applications

Sometimes, it is better not to use any external state management tool unless our application is that complex. We can avoid complexities involved in state management using some of the inherent ways.