Rails ActiveRecord::Relation#pick now uses already loaded results

In an earlier post, we explained the addition and usage of ActiveRecord::Relation#pick method. In essence, ActiveRecord::Relation#pick allows picking the first value from the named column in the relation.

Taking forward the implementation, Rails has added a change that allows ActiveRecord::Relation#pick to use already loaded results. Before the change, it used to make a query to the database even when the results were already loaded. This change is along the same lines of ActiveRecord#pluck implementation, where it uses already loaded results when available.

In Rails 6

books = Book.where(published: true).order(:published_at).limit(5).load

# SELECT  "books".* FROM "books"
# WHERE "books"."published" = $1
# ORDER BY "books"."published_at" ASC LIMIT $2  [["published", "t"], ["LIMIT", 5]]

books.pick(:name) # Makes query to the database even when results are loaded

# SELECT  "books"."name" FROM "books" WHERE "books"."published" = $1
# ORDER BY "books"."published_at" ASC LIMIT $2  [["published", "t"], ["LIMIT", 1]]

 => "Data Communication and Networking"

In Rails 6.1

books = Book.where(published: true).order(:published_at).limit(5).load

# SELECT  "books".* FROM "books"
# WHERE "books"."published" = $1
# ORDER BY "books"."published_at" ASC LIMIT $2  [["published", "t"], ["LIMIT", 5]]

books.pick(:name) # No query to the database when results are loaded
 => "Data Communication and Networking"


This change is pretty useful as we do not need to worry about extra queries being made to the database while using ActiveRecord::Relation#pick with already loaded results.

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