Cypress version 8.5.0 adds select by index

Cypress handles static dropdowns with the help of select() command. For a static dropdown, the tag name of the element should be <select> and its child elements should have the tag name <option>.


.select(value, options)
.select(values, options)


Before version 8.5.0, the value argument could be the value or the text content of the <option> to be selected

Consider the following snippet to understand the select command and its usage better.

  <option value="js">Javascript</option>
  <option value="ror">Ruby on rails</option>
  <option value="nest">NestJS</option>

Now to select a particular option, we can either use its value or the text content inside of <option> tag.

// Select the option with the text Ruby on Rails

cy.get('select').select('Ruby on rails').should('have.value', 'ror')
// yields <option value="ror">Ruby on rails</option>

//Select the option with the value "nest"

cy.get('select').select('nest').should('have.value', 'nest')
// yields <option value="nest">NestJS</option>


With the updated Cypress 8.5.0, we can now select an option by index within the .select() command.

  <option value="js">Javascript</option>
  <option value="ror">Ruby on rails</option>
  <option value="nest">NestJS</option>

// Select the option with index 0

cy.get('select').select(0).should('have.value', 'js')
// yields <option value="js">Javascript</option>

If we try to give a negative index, a non-integer index, or an out-of-range index then Cypress will throw an error.

  <option value="js">Javascript</option>
  <option value="ror">Ruby on rails</option>
  <option value="nest">NestJS</option>

//` was called with an invalid index: `-1`. Index must be a non-negative integer.

//` was called with an invalid index: `1.5`. Index must be a non-negative integer.

//` failed because it could not find a single `<option>` with value, index, or text matching: `5`

To know more check out this PR.

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