Rails provides a plethora of assertion methods to test the request/response flow in applications.
One of the most commonly used assertion methods is assert_redirected_to
which is used to assert that the request was redirected to the specified path.
Let’s create a controller and some actions to test this assertion method.
When users visit the go_back
action, they are redirected to the root_path
with a :moved_permanently
status code (can be a HTTP response code as well).
Let’s write a test to assert that the request was redirected to the root_path
However, if we are unable to assert the status code, we can’t be sure that the request was redirected with the correct status code.
Thanks to this PR the assertion statement can now be used to assert status codes and the corresponding symbols (as shown below).
Response Class | HTTP Status Code | Symbol |
Informational | 100 | :continue |
101 | :switching_protocols | |
102 | :processing | |
Success | 200 | :ok |
201 | :created | |
202 | :accepted | |
203 | :non_authoritative_information | |
204 | :no_content | |
205 | :reset_content | |
206 | :partial_content | |
207 | :multi_status | |
208 | :already_reported | |
226 | :im_used | |
Redirection | 300 | :multiple_choices |
301 | :moved_permanently | |
302 | :found | |
303 | :see_other | |
304 | :not_modified | |
305 | :use_proxy | |
307 | :temporary_redirect | |
308 | :permanent_redirect | |
Client Error | 400 | :bad_request |
401 | :unauthorized | |
402 | :payment_required | |
403 | :forbidden | |
404 | :not_found | |
405 | :method_not_allowed | |
406 | :not_acceptable | |
407 | :proxy_authentication_required | |
408 | :request_timeout | |
409 | :conflict | |
410 | :gone | |
411 | :length_required | |
412 | :precondition_failed | |
413 | :payload_too_large | |
414 | :uri_too_long | |
415 | :unsupported_media_type | |
416 | :range_not_satisfiable | |
417 | :expectation_failed | |
421 | :misdirected_request | |
422 | :unprocessable_entity | |
423 | :locked | |
424 | :failed_dependency | |
426 | :upgrade_required | |
428 | :precondition_required | |
429 | :too_many_requests | |
431 | :request_header_fields_too_large | |
451 | :unavailable_for_legal_reasons | |
Server Error | 500 | :internal_server_error |
501 | :not_implemented | |
502 | :bad_gateway | |
503 | :service_unavailable | |
504 | :gateway_timeout | |
505 | :http_version_not_supported | |
506 | :variant_also_negotiates | |
507 | :insufficient_storage | |
508 | :loop_detected | |
510 | :not_extended | |
511 | :network_authentication_required |