Ruby 3.4 Throws SyntaxError As Keyword Arguments Are No Longer Allowed In Index.

In Ruby, keyword arguments in index refers to the practice of passing a keyword as an argument to an array, particularly when accessing or modifying elements within an array.

project_details = { status: "ongoing" }
projects = []

def projects.[]=(*args, **keyword_args)
  puts "args: #{args}"
  puts "keyword_args: #{keyword_args}"

Before ruby 3.3

keyword arguments were treated as positional arguments.

projects[1, status: "completed"], _ = ["Project A updated", "Project B"]

=> args:         [1, {:status=>"completed"}, "Project A updated"]
=> keyword_args: {}
projects[2, **project_details], _ = [{budget: 10000}, "Project C"]

=> args:         [2, {:status=>"ongoing"}, {:budget=>10000}]
=> keyword_args: {}

In ruby 3.3

Use of keyword arguments in multiple assignment is broken in 3.3

projects[1, status: "completed"], _ = ["Project A updated", "Project B"]

=>  It crashes (BUG Segmentation fault)

# This leads to a segmentation fault because the method arr.[]= expects a hash for keyword arguments, but it receives a symbol (a) and an integer (1) instead.
projects[2, **project_details], _ = [{budget: 10000}, "Project C"]

# This passes the RHS argument as keywords to the method, treating keyword splat as positional argument

=> args:         [2, {:status=>"ongoing"}]
=> keyword_args: {:budget=>10000}

In ruby 3.4

Passing keyword arguments in index to an array set methods is no longer allowed and it throws SyntaxError.

projects[1, status: "completed"], _ = ["Project A updated", "Project B"]

=> keyword arg given in index (SyntaxError)
projects[2, **project_details], _ = [{budget: 10000}, "Project C"]

=> keyword arg given in index (SyntaxError)

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