Puma-dev And Using It With Rails Applications.


Puma is a modern, concurrent web server for Ruby and Rack applications. Designed with speed and simplicity in mind, Puma is known for its ability to handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it a popular choice for serving Ruby on Rails applications in both development and production environments.

Simplify Local Rails Development with Puma-dev

Developing Rails applications locally can be a hassle, especially when we want to run multiple Rails applications on our machine. Doing that with localhost:3000 will get annoying at some point (cookie sharing, changing ports, everyone in the team handling it differently, no HTTPS to test with…).

for example we have to run multiple servers to run the app and API.

# To run the app

cd ~/projects/web-app
rails server -p 3000

# another terminal window to run API

cd ~/projects/web-api
rails server -p 3001

Working on a system like this locally requires developer to run multiple Rails servers in multiple terminal windows.

Thankfully, we can make this process much easier with puma-dev.


Puma-dev is a tool that provides a quick and easy way to manage Puma-powered web apps in development on macOS and Linux. We can run and manage our applications without needing to tweak our /etc/hosts file or constantly start and stop individual servers. Access them using the .test subdomain, and run multiple custom domains at the same time.


With puma-dev, each app gets its own subdomain, making local development more seamless and organized.

The servers started by puma are centrally managed. Once puma-dev accepts an HTTP access, the puma server is started automatically. It automatically sleeps if there is no access for a while. As stated above, server operations are managed by puma-dev without any manual operation.

Key features of puma-dev include:

  • Easy startup and idle shutdown of rack/Rails apps.
  • Easy access to apps using the .test subdomain (configurable).
  • Support for running multiple custom domains simultaneously, e.g. .test, .puma.
  • Support for HTTPS out of the box.
  • Support for Rails 5 ActionCable via rack.hijack websockets.

Using puma-dev


Before we start, ensure we have the following installed:

  • macOS or Linux (puma-dev is designed for these platforms)
  • Ruby (version 2.5+)
  • Bundler
  • Rails (version 5.0+)

Installing puma-dev

To install puma-dev, follow these steps:

  • Install puma-dev:

On macOS or GNU/Linux, we can use Homebrew:

brew install puma/puma/puma-dev

we can also download the appropriate binary from the puma-dev releases page https://github.com/puma/puma-dev/releases and place it in our PATH.

  • Set up puma-dev:
# configure some DNS settings that have to be done as root

sudo puma-dev -setup
  • Start puma-dev:
# configure puma-dev to run in the background on ports 80 and 443 with the domain .test

puma-dev -install

Here are the few useful commands of puma-dev:

# To start


# To stop

puma-dev -stop

# If we would like to have puma-dev restart a specific app

run `touch tmp/restart.txt` in that app's directory.

# If we wish to have puma-dev use a port other than 80, for example to use port 81:

puma-dev -install -install-port 81

# Custom Domain Extension. Replace custom_extension with our desired extension (e.g., local, myapp, etc. (default "test")).

puma-dev -d custom_extension

# To uninstall

puma-dev -uninstall

Configuring our Rails Application

With puma-dev installed, we need to configure our Rails application to work with it.

Step 1

We need to be using Puma as our Rails development web server.

# Gemfile

gem "puma"

Step 2

In development ensure that our Rails app is configured to allow requests from host.

# config/environments/development.rb

Rails.application.configure do
  config.hosts = []

Step 3

For puma-dev to run our application, we have to symlink the application directory into ~/.puma-dev with the help of puma-dev link command.

# Navigate into application directory and run this command

puma-dev link -n app_name

# Here give the desired domain name as app_name. example: puma-dev link -n miru

our application will now be available at https://app_name.test. Here is the url of above example: https://miru.test.

Update bin/setup

When working as a team, it’s beneficial to know the domain that other developers are using for local application development.

To ensure everyone uses the same URL, we can add the puma-dev link command to our Rails bin/setup file instead of running it manually.

# bin/setup

# Existing Rails setup

puts "\n== Configuring Puma-dev to host https://app_name.test =="
system! "puma-dev link -n app_name"

By running bin/setup we get a consistent development environment with a consistent URL.

The recent Rails PR #51088 suggests adding puma-dev configuration to the bin/setup script. Here’s how we can do it:

# bin/setup

# Existing Rails setup

def command_exists?(command)
  system("command -v #{command} > /dev/null 2>&1")

# Install puma-dev if it's not installed

unless command_exists?('brew')
  puts "Homebrew is not installed. Please install Homebrew first."
  exit 1

unless command_exists?('puma-dev')
  puts "Installing puma-dev..."
  system('brew install puma/puma/puma-dev')

  puts "Running puma-dev setup..."
  system('sudo puma-dev -setup')

  puts "Installing puma-dev DNS settings..."
  system('puma-dev -install')

# Link the current app to puma-dev

puts "\n== Configuring Puma-dev to host https://app_name.test =="
app_name = File.basename(APP_ROOT)

system! "puma-dev link -n #{app_name}"
puts "puma-dev setup complete for #{app_name}.test"

With out any manual input from the developer, above bin/setup script installs puma-dev if not installed in the local machine and takes care of all the necessary configurations regarding the installion process. After installing, it also set’s the domain for the app to run.

our application will now be available at https://app_name.test.


Puma-dev is a powerful tool for developers working with multiple Ruby web applications. It avoids the headache of managing multiple Rails servers in multiple terminal windows by running a background process to manage all the Rails apps along with features like custom domain support and easy start/stop commands, makes it an essential part of development workflow on macOS and Linux.

By integrating puma-dev configuration into our bin/setup script, we can make it easy for our entire team to get up and running quickly, without having to worry about managing the local server setup.

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