Ankita Kaushik

Ankita Kaushik

Ankita is a Frontend Developer.
authorImg Ankita Kaushik

Simplify CSS selector grouping and styling with :where() and :is()

:where() and :is() are new additions to CSS that make it easier to select and style elements on a webpage by grouping selectors and applying styles to multiple elements at once.
authorImg Ankita Kaushik

Integrate Tailwind CSS in Electron

In this blog, we will learn how to integrate Tailwind CSS in Electron, a popular framework for building desktop applications with web technologies.
authorImg Ankita Kaushik

Styling form inputs(checkbox, radio, range, and progress) with accent-color

The new CSS accent-color property is capable of editing the accented color of form controls provided by the browser’s default styles with a custom color value. In this article we’ll take a look at what it does and how to use it alongside color-scheme for simple, accessible checkboxes and radio button.
authorImg Ankita Kaushik

Understanding CSS Feature Queries

CSS Feature Queries are a relatively new addition to the CSS specification, and provide a powerful tool for detecting support for various CSS features in the user's browser.