Deepak Mahakale

Deepak Mahakale

Deepak is an Engineering Manager at Saeloun.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 8 adds Kamal by default.

All new applications using Rails 8 will have Kamal by default.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rubygems introduced a file option to specify Ruby version in Gemfile

Rubygems introduced a :file option so that we can read the Ruby version from a file.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7.1 extends enum support for Postgres adapter

Rails 7.1 extends support to rename enum, add enum value and rename enum value for Postgres adapter
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select adds support for hash values in Rails 7.1

ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select adds support for hash values in Rails 7.1
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7.1 extends audio_tag and video_tag to accept Active Storage attachments

Rails 7.1 extends audio_tag and video_tag to accept Active Storage attachments
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7 adds weekday_select and weekday_options_for_select

Rails 7 adds the `weekday_select` and `weekday_options_for_select` form helpers.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7 adds support for ActiveStorage expiring URLs

Rails 7 adds the `expires_in` option in the ActiveStorage URL helper for generating expiring URLs.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7 adds AudioAnalyzer to ActiveStorage

Rails 7 adds AudioAnalyzer to ActiveStorage to extract audio duration and bit_rate.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7 adds `#with_all_rich_text` to eager load all rich text associations at once

Rails 7 adds `#with_all_rich_text` to ActionText for eager loading all rich text associations.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7 introduces new syntax for enum

Rails 7 introduces new syntax for enum and few other changes
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Rails 7 allows benchmark method to be called from anywhere

Rails 7 allows benchmark method to be called from anywhere with Rails.benchmark("test") { ... }