Rails now supports routes prefixed with word cable
Rails improved its support for routes which helps us to navigate to routes prefixed with word cable which were throwing 404 errors before.Rails 7 adds default value support for binary columns for SQLite
Binary columns now behave like other column types with default values in SQLite.Rails 7 updates through_reflection to distribute transactions across database connections
Models that use multiple databases now perform writes within a single transaction.Rails 7 now reads ENV["SCHEMA_FORMAT"] when doing rails db:schema:{dump,load}
Previously rails db:schema:{dump,load} would only dump Ruby format. Now it reads ENV["SCHEMA_FORMAT"] to choose between Ruby and SQL formats.Rails 7 now accepts "html" and "screenshot" kwargs for system test screenshot helper
Pass in parameters to take_screenshot to choose an output format between image and HTML file.Rails adds beginless range support to clusivity
Rails now adds support to include the beginless range in active record inclusivity/exclusivity validators.Infinite Auto Scroll using Turbo only ( No Stimulus / No Javascript )
Infinite Auto Scroll on Rails 7 using only Turbo Frames and Turbo Streams without a Single line of Javascript.Rails avoids queries when performing calculations on contradictory relation
Rails now avoids making a query to the database if the calculation contains a contradictory relationCaching Gems with Docker Multi-Stage build
Docker Multi-Stage Builds allow copying of files from registries and can be used to speed up builds by adding Gem CachesOveruse of Rails engines
In this post, we will see how the overuse of engines could lead to some serious issues.