Rails 7 adds support for setting the schema dump filepath in the database config
Schema dumps can now be toggled and dump filepaths can be set for individual database shards.Rails 7 allows permitting numeric params
Rails 7 eliminates the issue of permitting nested hash. Now required attributes can be permitted by calling the permit method directly on the parent hash.Rails 7 introduces only_numeric option within numericality validator
With Rails 7, only_numeric option can be used for the numericality validator.Rails 7 raise ActionController::Redirecting::UnsafeRedirectError for unsafe redirects
Now unsafe redirects raise a UnsafeRedirectError instead of an ArgumentError.Rails 7 adds accepts_nested_attributes_for support for delegated_type
With Rails 7, accepts_nested_attributes_for can be used for delegated_typeRails 7 now allows automatic inverse_of detection for associations with scopes
This update ensures that "inverse_of" takes into consideration the relevant scope when calculating the object to store in memory.Rails 7 now introduces support for generated columns with Postgres
Rails 7 now adds support for generated (virtual) columns to the PostgreSQL adapter that has been available since PSQL v12.Rails 7 renders accurate plain text output for nested fields
Plain text rendering of nested fields now reserves indentation.Rails 7 adds better support for custom enum types in PostgreSQL
With Rails 7, use create_enum to add a new enum type and t.enum to add a column.Use the combined jsbundling-rails gem instead of individual js bundler gems
JSBundling provides a flexible way of using different Javascript bundlers