
Rails 7 adds invert_where method to ActiveRecord

Rails 7 adds invert_where method that will invert all scope conditions.

Rails 7 adds `Enumerable#in_order_of` to put an enumerable in a certain order by a key.

With the addition of the `in_order_of` method, we can order enumerable based on the provided series.

Rails 7 ActiveJob adds the ability to communicate enqueue failures to callers

ActiveJob's `perform_later` method provides a clean way of communicating enqueued job failures to the caller method, allowing developers to handle errors more efficiently.

Rails 7 enables scoping to apply to all queries

Rails 7 allows passing all_queries option to the scoping method. This change allows the scoping method to work on all queries for a model in a block.

Rails 7 adds the ability to schedule the query on the background thread pool

Rails 7 adds the ability to push database queries to the background thread pool, effectively reducing load times by utilizing I/O waits.

Rails 7 adds direct ActiveStorage::Streaming support

Rails 7 adds a method to stream directly from your own controllers.

Rails 7 adds `#with_all_rich_text` to eager load all rich text associations at once

Rails 7 adds `#with_all_rich_text` to ActionText for eager loading all rich text associations.

Rails 7 adds maximum and minimum methods to Enumerable

Rails 7 adds `Enumerable#maximum` and `Enumerable#minimum` to calculate the maximum or minimum from extracted elements of an enumerable.

Rails 7 adds ActiveRecord methods `#sole` and `#find_sole_by`

Rails 7 adds ActiveRecord methods `#sole` and `#find_sole_by` to uniquely match only one record in a database.

Rails 7 adds #excluding to ActiveRecord::Relation

Rails 7 adds #excluding to ActiveRecord::Relation to exclude a record or collection of records.