authorImg Prasanth Chaduvula

I'm a React, Javascript & Rails full-stack Software Engineer. I have been working remotely for the past two years in a remote village. Before joining as a Software Engineer I founded kwiq - a hyperlocal delivery startup to deliver things in remote villages.

Understanding Controlled And Uncontrolled Components In React

Learn about controlled and uncontrolled components, the differences between them and and which one to use.
authorImg Prasanth Chaduvula

I'm a React, Javascript & Rails full-stack Software Engineer. I have been working remotely for the past two years in a remote village. Before joining as a Software Engineer I founded kwiq - a hyperlocal delivery startup to deliver things in remote villages.

Rails Adds SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE Flag To Speed Up Multi Process Test Runs

Speed up multi-process test runs on large DBs with ENV["SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE"] flag by skipping the table truncations and running test within default transaction.
authorImg Prasanth Chaduvula

I'm a React, Javascript & Rails full-stack Software Engineer. I have been working remotely for the past two years in a remote village. Before joining as a Software Engineer I founded kwiq - a hyperlocal delivery startup to deliver things in remote villages.

Puma-dev And Using It With Rails Applications.

Explore what Puma-dev is, why it is beneficial, how to install and use it, and how to configure it within bin/setup.
authorImg Jijo Bose
authorImg Jijo Bose

I'm a Ruby on Rails and React Native enthusiast with over four years of experience creating innovative software solutions. I work well in teams and am always up for challenging projects. I enjoy playing chess and gaming in my free time.

Rails 7.2 Adds app:update Task to be a Rails Command.

The app:update task to be a Rails command, and adds the --force flag to it, to allow running bin/rails app:update while accepting all the changes it makes.
authorImg Prasanth Chaduvula

I'm a React, Javascript & Rails full-stack Software Engineer. I have been working remotely for the past two years in a remote village. Before joining as a Software Engineer I founded kwiq - a hyperlocal delivery startup to deliver things in remote villages.

Rails Add ActiveRecord.after_all_transactions_commit Callback

ActiveRecord.after_all_transactions_commit ensures specified actions execute only after all database transactions commit, ensuring reliable post-transaction operations.
authorImg Prasanth Chaduvula

I'm a React, Javascript & Rails full-stack Software Engineer. I have been working remotely for the past two years in a remote village. Before joining as a Software Engineer I founded kwiq - a hyperlocal delivery startup to deliver things in remote villages.

Rails Adds ActiveRecord::Base.with_connection To Optimize Database Operations.

Efficiently manages database connections by promptly returning them to the pool after use, enabling immediate reuse rather than holding onto connections until the end of the request cycle.
authorImg Siddharth Shringi

Siddharth is a Ruby on Rails and ReactJs Developer.

Ruby 3.4 Makes "it" As Default Block Parameter

To add more readability Ruby makes "it" as a default block parameter.
authorImg Apoorv Tiwari
authorImg Apoorv Tiwari

Apoorv is a Ruby on Rails and React Developer.

BatchEnumerator#destroy_all To Return The Total Number Of Destroyed Records

Rails 7.2 enhances the BatchEnumerator#destroy_all to return the count of destroyed records, eliminating the need for additional queries to determine the number of affected rows.
authorImg Jijo Bose
authorImg Jijo Bose

I'm a Ruby on Rails and React Native enthusiast with over four years of experience creating innovative software solutions. I work well in teams and am always up for challenging projects. I enjoy playing chess and gaming in my free time.

ActiveStorage::Blob#compose Now Supports Custom Blob Key in Rails 7.2.

Rails 7.2 allows to add custom blob key in the ActiveStorage::Blob APIs
authorImg Prasanth Chaduvula

I'm a React, Javascript & Rails full-stack Software Engineer. I have been working remotely for the past two years in a remote village. Before joining as a Software Engineer I founded kwiq - a hyperlocal delivery startup to deliver things in remote villages.

Ruby 3.4 Throws SyntaxError As Keyword Arguments Are No Longer Allowed In Index.

Passing keyword arguments in index to an array set methods throws SyntaxError.