authorImg Narendra Rajput
authorImg Narendra Rajput

Narendra is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Ruby 2.7 adds Symbol#start_with? and Symbol#end_with? methods

Ruby 2.7 adds Symbol#start_with? and Symbol#end_with? methods.
authorImg Narendra Rajput
authorImg Narendra Rajput

Narendra is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Ruby 2.7 improves Method#inspect by also displaying method's arguments

Ruby 2.7 improves Method#inspect by also displaying method's arguments
authorImg Narendra Rajput
authorImg Narendra Rajput

Narendra is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Ruby 2.7 adds shorthand syntax for arguments forwarding

Ruby 2.7 has added new syntax `...` for method arguments forwarding.
authorImg Romil Mehta
authorImg Romil Mehta

Romil is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 6 adds ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter

Rails 6 has moved ParameterFilter from ActionDispatch to ActiveSupport in order to support filtered attributes with ActiveRecord::Relation#inspect.
authorImg Prateek Choudhary
authorImg Prateek Choudhary

Prateek is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Dir#glob and Dir#[] no longer allow NUL-separated glob pattern in Ruby 2.7

Ruby 2.7 prohibits the problematic '\0' separated string as the parameter for Dir#glob and Dir#[]
authorImg Prajakta Tambe
authorImg Prajakta Tambe

Prajakta is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Ruby 2.7 adds Enumerator#produce

Ruby 2.7 has added Enumerator#produce to generate Enumerator from any custom data-transformation.
authorImg Prajakta Tambe
authorImg Prajakta Tambe

Prajakta is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Ruby 2.7 adds supports for Comparable#clamp with a range

Ruby 2.7 adds supports for Comparable#clamp with a range
authorImg Narendra Rajput
authorImg Narendra Rajput

Narendra is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 6 adds each_value method to ActionController::Parameters

Rails 6 adds each_value method to ActionController::Parameters
authorImg Prateek Choudhary
authorImg Prateek Choudhary

Prateek is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Who was hiring at RubyConf 2019?

List of companies hiring at RubyConf 2019 organized in Nashville.
authorImg Prateek Choudhary
authorImg Prateek Choudhary

Prateek is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 6 adds Purpose Metadata to Cookies

Rails 6 adds purpose metadata to cookies to prevent attackers from copying the value of one cookie and use it for another.