Rails - Added sub seconds to Time inspect

Ruby 2.7 added sub seconds to Time#inspect and separated it from Time#to_s.

Rails also added sub seconds to ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#inspect.

This is particularly helpful when multiple time objects are created in a short interval. For e.g., when executing imports in parallel, or when we need to assert time differences in our test cases.


# => "Thu, 23 Apr 2020 16:56:17 UTC +00:00"

Time.at(1587660977, 456789123, :nsec).in_time_zone.inspect
# => "Thu, 23 Apr 2020 16:56:17 UTC +00:00"


# => "Thu, 23 Apr 2020 16:56:17 UTC +00:00"

Time.at(1587660977, 456789123, :nsec).in_time_zone.inspect
# => "Thu, 23 Apr 2020 16:56:17.456789123 UTC +00:00"


As seen above the nsec part is not ignored anymore when we use inspect. This is useful for finer comparisons, assertions and usage with time across databases and systems.

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