In my first blog of this series, I spoke about how I worked on my first assignment of creating a Leave Management System. After adding a few more components, I was ready to add the Bootstrap library to style the login page of the Leave Management System. I had already completed the core CSS of the page and only needed to do some minor modifications to get it to look the way I wanted.
After the login page was created, I deployed the app to production using Heroku by adding Node.js and Ruby Buildpacks. For the profile page, I incorporated a new framework -Tailwind CSS, instead of Bootstrap.
I started by running the application in my local machine and exploring its functionality. I then installed the ‘jsbundling-rails’ package to manage the javascript dependencies. I also set up a linting tool, ‘ESlint’ to validate the javascript files.
After that, I configured the ‘Prettier’ tool to format the code, and finally, I set up a code formatter ‘Husky’ to run the code style check, every time I saved my changes. I also learned how to use Import Maps with Rails.
I have been working at Saeloun for a little over two weeks now, but it feels like two months already. In the last two weeks, I have learned and implemented various frameworks, worked on a lot of new and exciting projects, gained exposure to a lot of new frameworks, and learned so much about the company and the industry. This has been a great experience so far and I am looking forward to more such fun-filled assignments.