Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Rohit is a Ruby on Rails Developer.
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ACID transactions in every day applications

Breaking down the use of ACID transactions using real-life examples of systems that we employ every day.
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Rails 6.1 adds support for signed ids to Active Record

Rails 6.1 added support for signed ids which are a tamper-proof way of identifying a bearer
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Ways for reducing Heroku slug size

Techniques for reducing Heroku slug size for Rails applications
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Rails has deprecated using return, break and throw to exit a transaction

Rails has disallowed using return, break and throw for exiting early from a transaction and having it committed.
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Rails has added strict loading mode to prevent lazy loading

Rails has added strict loading mode to prevent lazy loading of associations and help avoid N + 1 queries
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Rails has added support for automatic database connection switching from primary to the replica

Rails has added support for automatic database connection switching from primary to the replica
authorImg Rohit Kumar

How to pass arguments to methods in ruby and how it affects their arity

Deep dive into different ways of passing arguments to methods and how it affects their arity
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Improving Database performance and overcoming common N+1 issues in Active Record using includes, preload, eager_load, pluck, select, exists?

Improving Database performance and overcoming common N+1 issues in Active Record using includes, preload, eager_load, pluck, select, exists? and reducing number of overall queries
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Using bind parameters in Active Record for SQL security and performance

Using bind parameters in Active Record for improved SQL security and performance
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Ruby 2.7 deprecates automatic conversion from a hash to keyword arguments

Ruby 2.7 deprecates automatic conversion from a hash to keyword arguments in preparation for real keyword arguments in Ruby 3.0