
Rails 6 adds each_value method to ActionController::Parameters

Rails 6 adds each_value method to ActionController::Parameters

Rails 6 adds Purpose Metadata to Cookies

Rails 6 adds purpose metadata to cookies to prevent attackers from copying the value of one cookie and use it for another.

Handling attachments in Action Text in Rails 6

This is part two of our multipart series exploring Action Text, In part 1, we looked at basic of how we can get started with providing WYSIWYG support in our Apps using ActionText.

Rails 6 - Action Mailbox tryout

Rails 6 has added Action Mailbox to process inbound emails. This post tries a deep dive trying to set it up

Rails 6 adds guard against DNS rebinding attacks

Rails 6 adds guard against DNS rebinding attacks by allowing whitelisting of hosts in config

Rails 6 removes Action View helper image_alt

Rails 6 removes the deprecated `image_alt` helper from Action View.

Rails 6 adds after_save_commit

Rails 6 adds after_save_commit callback shortcut.

Rails 6 adds tools for Action Cable testing.

Rails 6 adds tools for Action Cable testing.

Rails 6 adds Active Record Relation#pick

Rails 6 adds `ActiveRecord::Relation#pick` to pick the first value from the named column in the relation.

Rails 6 adds support for multi environment credentials

Rails 6 has added support for multi environment credentials to manage environment specific credentials