Rails 7 renders accurate plain text output for nested fields
Plain text rendering of nested fields now reserves indentation.Rails 7 allows setting timestamps on insert_all/upsert_all record creation
All relevant timestamp columns (`created_at`, `created_on`, `updated_at`, `updated_on`) are now set via ActiveRecord when using mass insertion queries.Rails 7 adds better support for custom enum types in PostgreSQL
With Rails 7, use create_enum to add a new enum type and t.enum to add a column.How to Use Enums in Rails
A deep dive into what enums are, how to create and configure enums using Rails.PostgreSQL data-types in Rails
With Rails, there are many built-in data types that PostgreSQL supports. It's a great addition to the developer's toolkit!Rails adds `authenticate_by` method when using `has_secure_password`
Rails adds `authenticate_by` method that helps mitigate timing-based enumeration attacks.Use the combined jsbundling-rails gem instead of individual js bundler gems
JSBundling provides a flexible way of using different Javascript bundlersRails 7 adds the ability to delete and update queries using GROUP_BY and HAVING
With Rails 7, we can now combine GROUP_BY and HAVING clauses with a more complex update and delete queries.Rails 7 adds `config.action_text.attachment_tag_name`
Rails 7 adds support for setting `config.action_text.attachment_tag_name` to replace the actiontext's default attachment HTML tag name to a custom string.Rails 7 adds caching? and uncachable! helper
Starting with Rails 7, we can add caching? helper to check whether the current code path is being cached and uncacheable! helper to avoid fragment caching.