Rails 7 adds :day_format option to date_select
Now format how the day looks in a date select dropdown using `day_format`.Rails 7: Pass default values to I18n's `translate` method
Provide fallback values to the translate method apart from those parts of the translation string.Rails 7 adds the ability to check if a location is safe before redirecting
Now determine if a URL is an internal one before redirecting.Rails 7 added --css app generator
Rails 7 added --css app generator for configuring CSS processors.Rails 7 replaces Webpacker with importmapped Hotwire as default JavaScript setup
A new Rails skeleton will not have to require the full JavaScript toolchain with Webpack by default as Rails 7 embraces the future of Javascript.Rails 7 adds the possibility to check on :priority for ActiveJob tests
Rails 7 gives us option to set `:priority` in test helper methods `assert_enqueued_with` and `assert_performed_with`.Rails 7 adds choices to Javascript generator option
Rails 7 introduces built-in support for webpacker and esbuild.Rails 7: Instrument ActiveStorage analyzers
Rails 7 adds instrumentation for ActiveStorage analyzers so that the time of analysis can be tracked.Rails 7 adds database-specific setup and reset tasks for multi DB configurations
For multi DB Rails applications starting with Rails 7, we can now setup and reset a particular database.Rails 7: Add from: option to ActiveSupport::TestCase#assert_no_changes
ActiveSupport::TestCase#assert_no_changes adds additional options.