
Functional Programming In React

Learn about functional programming and how React implements it using immutable data, pure functions, and composition, along with the benefits of functional programming.

Understanding Controlled And Uncontrolled Components In React

Learn about controlled and uncontrolled components, the differences between them and and which one to use.

Explore new hooks coming up in React 19

React 19 introduces powerful new hooks like useActionState, useFormStatus, useOptimistic, and use that simplifies optimistic UI updates, form handling, and working with promises. In this blog, we will take a closer look at each of them.

Next.js vs. Remix - A Developer's Dilemma

Both Next.js and Remix are highly sought-after frameworks for constructing contemporary web applications using React, yet they diverge in their methodologies and principles. This article aims to assist developers in selecting the optimal framework by comparing various aspects such as routing, data flow, and data mutation strategies.

Memo vs. useMemo: When to use each for better React performance?

Ever wondered when to use React.memo and useMemo? This in-depth guide clarifies their differences and shows how to leverage them for optimal performance.

From Headscratchers to Heroes - Demystifying Closures in React

React has a secret superpower - Closures! They're like hidden helpers that make React's coolest features work smoothly. In this blog, we'll learn how closures secretly make React awesome!

Zustand or Redux, which one is the best choice?

This blog explores Zustand and Redux for React state management, highlighting Zustand's simplicity and Redux's suitability for complex projects.

React state management - useReducer vs Redux

This blog explores useReducer vs Redux, delving into their definitions, use cases, code samples and when to choose each for efficient state management.

Deciding which state management to use: opting between useContext and Redux

In this article, we will explore two effective strategies for managing state in React apps: the useContext hook and Redux Toolkit. The article provides practical code examples for both the useContext hook and Redux Toolkit, and it discusses the advantages, disadvantages, and best-fit scenarios for each approach.

An In-Depth Look at React Server Components!

This blog post will thoroughly explore the necessity, advantages, architecture, implementation, and constraints associated with React Server components.