authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade

I am a seasoned developer with over 9 years of experience in Ruby on Rails and Golang. My passion lies in tackling complex data structures and algorithm problems, always pushing myself to learn and grow. In my downtime, I find solace in the pages of books and the soothing sounds of a guitar. But I'm not just a one-trick pony! I love to stay active and challenge myself in other ways too. Whether it's on the football pitch, cricket field, table tennis table, or badminton court, I'm always up for some fun activities.

Encapsulate each validation error as an Error object

ActiveModel::Error class has changed from Hash based interface to an array of Error objects.
authorImg Rakesh Khicher
authorImg Rakesh Khicher

Rakesh is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails support bulk insert/upsert on relation

Rails 6.1 has added support for bulk insert/upsert on relation to preserve scope values.
authorImg Aditya Narsapurkar
authorImg Aditya Narsapurkar

Aditya is a Ruby on Rails and ReactJS Developer.

Rails ActionController::Parameters each_pair and each_value returns an enumerator.

Rails ActionController::Parameters each_pair and each_value now returns an enumerator when provided without a block.
authorImg Rohit Kumar
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Rohit is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 6.1 adds support for signed ids to Active Record

Rails 6.1 added support for signed ids which are a tamper-proof way of identifying a bearer
authorImg Romil Mehta
authorImg Romil Mehta

Romil is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 6 adds ActiveJob::TestCase#perform_enqueued_jobs without a block

With Rails 6, we can use ActiveJob::TestCase#perform_enqueued_jobs without a block to perform jobs in tests
authorImg Narendra Rajput
authorImg Narendra Rajput

Narendra is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 6.1 adds rescue_from to ActionCable::Connection::Base

The `rescue_from` on ActionCable::Connection::Base allows us to intercept unhandled exceptions
authorImg Rakesh Khicher
authorImg Rakesh Khicher

Rakesh is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails adds support for annotating HTML output with template file names.

Rails 6.1 has added support for adding HTML comments to the rendered output indicating where each template begins and ends.
authorImg Prajakta Tambe
authorImg Prajakta Tambe

Prajakta is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 6.1 supports `if_not_exists` option for adding index

Rails 6.1 added support for if_not_exists option to add_index. The if_not_exists provided to create_table also gets propagated to all indexes getting created in the create_table block.
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade

I am a seasoned developer with over 9 years of experience in Ruby on Rails and Golang. My passion lies in tackling complex data structures and algorithm problems, always pushing myself to learn and grow. In my downtime, I find solace in the pages of books and the soothing sounds of a guitar. But I'm not just a one-trick pony! I love to stay active and challenge myself in other ways too. Whether it's on the football pitch, cricket field, table tennis table, or badminton court, I'm always up for some fun activities.

Using Interactors in Rails

Interactors provide a common interface for performing complex user interactions.
authorImg Rohit Kumar
authorImg Rohit Kumar

Rohit is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Ways for reducing Heroku slug size

Techniques for reducing Heroku slug size for Rails applications