Jijo Bose

Jijo Bose

I'm a Ruby on Rails and React Native enthusiast with over four years of experience creating innovative software solutions. I work well in teams and am always up for challenging projects. I enjoy playing chess and gaming in my free time.
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Rails 7.2 Adds app:update Task to be a Rails Command.

The app:update task to be a Rails command, and adds the --force flag to it, to allow running bin/rails app:update while accepting all the changes it makes.
authorImg Jijo Bose

ActiveStorage::Blob#compose Now Supports Custom Blob Key in Rails 7.2.

Rails 7.2 allows to add custom blob key in the ActiveStorage::Blob APIs
authorImg Jijo Bose

Rails 7.2 adds allow_browser to set minimum browser version

Rails 7.2 allows us to set minimum browser version for compatibility.
authorImg Jijo Bose

ECMAScript - Grouping arrays using Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy

This blog explains the features of the latest ECMAScript proposal Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy that reached stage 4.
authorImg Jijo Bose

Rails 7.1 Adds ability to handle reconnects with the connected callback

Rails 7.1 has enabled subscribers to handle reconnections with the connected() callback in the Action Cable in the event of a lost connection.
authorImg Jijo Bose

React 18 adds onResize event to video elements

Before React 18, onResize handlers were ignored on video elements. React 18 now adds support for the onResize media event.
authorImg Jijo Bose

Private fields, methods and, accessors in JavaScript

The class fields proposal provides private fields for classes and instances to JavaScript. With this proposal, any class element can be private.
authorImg Jijo Bose

Rails 7 adds SSL support for postgresql in bin/rails dbconsole

Rails 7 added PGSSLMODE, PGSSLCERT, PGSSLKEY, and PGSSLROOTCERT to DBConsole class to load SSL-related environment variables from database config when running bin/rails dbconsole with postgresql.
authorImg Jijo Bose

Ruby 3.1 adds try_convert method to Integer class for implicit conversions

try_convert for Integer will convert the object into an instance of the class via the implicit conversion method to_int and returns nil if no implicit conversion method is defined.
authorImg Jijo Bose

Babel 7.14 enables class fields & private methods by default in @babel/preset-env

Starting from Babel 7.14 @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties and @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods plugins are enabled by default in @babel/preset-env.
authorImg Jijo Bose

Rails 7 ensures has_one autosave association callbacks get called once

In Rails 7, the autosave association callbacks for the has_one are non-cyclic.
authorImg Jijo Bose

Ruby 3.1 evaluates multiple assignments from left to right

Ruby changes the evaluation order for multiple assignments from left to right making it consistent with single assignment evaluation order.