
Extract Sample Rate of an Audio File with Audio Analyzer in Rails 7.1

Extract the sample rate of an audio file with ActiveStorage::AudioAnalyzer which will return the bit rate, duration, and sample rate

Adding table names to error for duplicate column names

Table name is shown in the error when duplicate columns for the same table is entered while creating it.

Rails 7.1 Improves Support for Custom Namespaces

This patch improves the support for defining custom namespaces while autoloading files.

Rails 7.1 Introduces Default Health Check Controller

Rails 7.1 now introduces a default health check endpoint for health checks.

Rails preserves entry TTL when incrementing or decrementing an integer value.

Rails now preserve expires_in while incrementing or decrementing an integer value in MemoryStore to be more consistent with MemCachedStore and RedisCacheStore

Rails 7.1 db:prepare to load schema if the database already exists but is empty

Rails 7.1 introduces a new feature to allow db:prepare to load schema if the database already exists but is empty. Also, it will dump the schema after migrations are run.

Rails allow opting out of the SameSite cookie attribute when setting a cookie

Rails 7.1 introduces a new feature to allow opting out of the SameSite cookie attribute when setting a cookie.

Rails adds Rails.env.local? to determine its current environment

Rails adds the ability to identify whether the current environment is the local development environment with the help of `Rails.env.local?`

Rails adds the ability to ignore tables in SQL schema dumps via regular expressions

Ignore tables by configuring regular expressions on ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.

Enumerable#many? now forwards all block parameters

When used in conjunction with each_with_index Enumerable#many? does not forward index parameter unlike Enumerable#any?.