Rails 7.1 Adds *_deliver Callbacks To ActionMailer
With Rails 7.1, we can hook into the lifecycle of email delivery with the help of ActionMailer before_deliver, around_deliver and after_deliver callbacks.Sidekiq To SolidQueue Migration
Migrating the Miru app from Sidekiq to SolidQueue eliminated the dependency on Redis, reducing costs by utilizing database for job storage.What Is New In Rails 7.2?
Rails 7.2 has just been released, packed with a range of exciting updates that enhance the Rails development experience. This blog highlights the key features and enhancements.Rails Warns On Tests Without Assertions.
With Rails 7.2, `ActiveSupport::TestCase` now warns when tests do not run any assertions.Rails Added Filter Option On in_order_of Method
Rails added the filter option to in_order_of to prioritize the specified values without filtering the resultsActive Record Composite Primary Key Support In Rails 7.1.2
ActiveRecord models can now be configured with composite primary keys, making it easier to work with complex data models.Rails 7.2 Adds Support For Devcontainer.
In Rails 7.2, use `--devcontainer` flag with `rails new` to add a devcontainer to new apps and run `bin/rails devcontainer` for existing apps.Rails Adds SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE Flag To Speed Up Multi Process Test Runs
Speed up multi-process test runs on large DBs with ENV["SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE"] flag by skipping the table truncations and running test within default transaction.Puma-dev And Using It With Rails Applications.
Explore what Puma-dev is, why it is beneficial, how to install and use it, and how to configure it within bin/setup.Rails 7.2 Adds app:update Task to be a Rails Command.
The app:update task to be a Rails command, and adds the --force flag to it, to allow running bin/rails app:update while accepting all the changes it makes.