authorImg Santanu Karmakar
authorImg Santanu Karmakar

Santanu is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds disable_joins: true option to has_one :through association

In multiple database applications, associations can't join across databases. When set, Rails makes 2 or more queries rather than using join for associations.
authorImg Prasad Walvekar
authorImg Prasad Walvekar

Prasad is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds `Enumerable#sole` to return a sole item in the enumerable

Enumerable#sole returns the sole item in the enumerable and raises an exception if no items or more than one item is found.
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade

I am a seasoned developer with over 9 years of experience in Ruby on Rails and Golang. My passion lies in tackling complex data structures and algorithm problems, always pushing myself to learn and grow. In my downtime, I find solace in the pages of books and the soothing sounds of a guitar. But I'm not just a one-trick pony! I love to stay active and challenge myself in other ways too. Whether it's on the football pitch, cricket field, table tennis table, or badminton court, I'm always up for some fun activities.

Rails 7 adds range serializer for ActiveJob

ActiveJob in Rails 7 allows a range to be passed as an argument to perform method.
authorImg Rohit Joshi
authorImg Rohit Joshi

I am a Ruby on Rails developer with over two years of experience, most of which is working remotely. I am a typical Punekar and in my free time I play badminton, workout, go trekking and I like to interact with people. Feel free to slide into my DMs and say Hi! 😄

Ruby 3.1 Enumerable#tally now accepts an optional hash to count occurrences

Ruby 3.1 extends the functionality of the Enumerable#tally method introduced in Ruby 2.7. We can now pass another hash whose counts would be added to the resulting tally hash.
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade

I am a seasoned developer with over 9 years of experience in Ruby on Rails and Golang. My passion lies in tackling complex data structures and algorithm problems, always pushing myself to learn and grow. In my downtime, I find solace in the pages of books and the soothing sounds of a guitar. But I'm not just a one-trick pony! I love to stay active and challenge myself in other ways too. Whether it's on the football pitch, cricket field, table tennis table, or badminton court, I'm always up for some fun activities.

Ruby 3.1 adds Array#intersect? method

Ruby Array#intersect? method will return true or false based on common elements present in the two arrays.
authorImg Viraj Bahulkar
authorImg Viraj Bahulkar

Viraj is a ReactJs Developer.

React 17 internally uses the browser's focusin and focusout events for onFocus and onBlur events

React's onFocus and onBlur events have switched to using the native focusin and focusout events under the hood.
authorImg Jijo Bose
authorImg Jijo Bose

I'm a Ruby on Rails and React Native enthusiast with over four years of experience creating innovative software solutions. I work well in teams and am always up for challenging projects. I enjoy playing chess and gaming in my free time.

Ruby 3.1 evaluates multiple assignments from left to right

Ruby changes the evaluation order for multiple assignments from left to right making it consistent with single assignment evaluation order.
authorImg Prateek Choudhary
authorImg Prateek Choudhary

Prateek is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore now accepts an explicit nil for addresses argument

Those migrating from :dalli_store to :mem_cache_store can now pass an explicit nil for its addresses argument.
authorImg Rohit Joshi
authorImg Rohit Joshi

I am a Ruby on Rails developer with over two years of experience, most of which is working remotely. I am a typical Punekar and in my free time I play badminton, workout, go trekking and I like to interact with people. Feel free to slide into my DMs and say Hi! 😄

Rails 7 transforms a Ruby hash into HTML attributes for ERB interpolation

Rails 7 adds `tag.attributes`, which transforms a Hash into HTML Attributes, ready to be interpolated into ERB.
authorImg Santanu Karmakar
authorImg Santanu Karmakar

Santanu is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds disable_joins: true option to has_many :through association

In multiple database applications, associations can't join across databases. When set, Rails makes 2 or more queries rather than using join for associations.