
Rails 7.1 Adds ActiveJob#perform_all_later To Enqueue Multiple Jobs At Once

perform_all_later allows us to enqueue multiple jobs that belong to different classes simultaneously within ActiveJob.

Rails 7.1 Expands ActiveRecord API with Async Query Support

With the Active Record API for general async queries we can efficiently query not so fast queries asynchronously to improve the performance.

Integrate Google Calendar API into rails application

Read about how we can integrate Google Calendar API.

Rails 7.1 Adds Support for MessagePack as Message Serializer

MessagePack is now supported in Rails 7.1, this new serializer enables the generation of smaller payloads and significantly faster serialization and deserialization compared to other serializers.

Rails 7.1 Introduces ActiveRecord::Base::generates_token_for

Generate tokens for specific purposes and verify their authenticity.

Rails 7.1 Introduces ActiveRecord::Base::Normalization

Normalization allows us to define custom normalization rules for attributes in our model. This feature is particularly helpful for ensuring that specific attributes are consistently formatted or transformed before they are saved to the database.

Limiting Maximum Index Name Length in Ruby on Rails 7.1

Rails 7.1 defined maximum limit of 62 bytes for auto-generated index names.

Rails 7.1 Introduces Autoload Lib and Ignore Sub-Directories with config.autoload_lib(ignore:) Method

Autoloading lib directory isn't always straightforward. In this blog post, we'll delve into the autoloading of the lib directory using config.autoload_lib(ignore:).

Enhancing Security in Ruby on Rails - SSL Enforcement by Default

Rails 7.1 enables force_ssl=true in production by default.

Rails 7.1 Now Allows ErrorReporter To Handle Several Error Classes

Rails introduces handle method for ErrorReporter API