
Rails 7 adds database-specific setup and reset tasks for multi DB configurations

For multi DB Rails applications starting with Rails 7, we can now setup and reset a particular database.

Rails 7: Add from: option to ActiveSupport::TestCase#assert_no_changes

ActiveSupport::TestCase#assert_no_changes adds additional options.

Rails 7 introduces ActiveModel::API

ActiveModel::API allows adding more functionality to ActiveModel::Model and makes itself a minimum API to interact with Action Pack and Action View.

Rails 7 supports NullsFirst for all databases

Developers can now access Arel methods for null column ordering.

Rails 7 adds SSL support for postgresql in bin/rails dbconsole

Rails 7 added PGSSLMODE, PGSSLCERT, PGSSLKEY, and PGSSLROOTCERT to DBConsole class to load SSL-related environment variables from database config when running bin/rails dbconsole with postgresql.

Rails 7 adds ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#in_order_of to return query results in a particular sequence

Starting with Rails 7, we can return ActiveRecord::Relation results in provided series using the in_order_of method.

Rails 7 replaced byebug with ruby/debug

Rails 7 removed byebug from their default debugger and replaced it with ruby/debug.

Rails 7 adds weekday_select and weekday_options_for_select

Rails 7 adds the `weekday_select` and `weekday_options_for_select` form helpers.

Rails 7 adds `audio` in the metadata for video files

With the addition of `audio` metadata to video blobs, it will now be possible to check the presence of an audio channel in a video file.

Rails 7 adds Marginalia to Query Logs

With this update, Marginalia SQL comments are added to Rails as a native feature!