authorImg Onkar Hasabe
authorImg Onkar Hasabe

I'm a passionate and driven ReactJS / NodeJs developer with 3 years of experience in building user interfaces and web applications. My expertise lies in creating fast, user-friendly applications that provide seamless user experiences. Born and raised in Sangli, I like traveling and photography.

When to use the two hooks - useCallback and useMemo?

useCallback hook and useMemo hook are used for performance improvising, where useCallback hook returns memoized function and useMemo returns memoized value.
authorImg Murtaza Bagwala
authorImg Murtaza Bagwala

A passionate full stack software engineer having 7 years of experience in building scalable enterprise systems. I have worked predominantly with the JVM and Javascript ecosystem but currently exploring Rails. For me, software engineering is all about solving problems in the most optimal way. I am an avid practitioner of clean code practices and love to read about System Design and Architectures. When I am not coding I love to play playstation, read anything about aviation or go out for a long drive and of-course I am foodie by heart.

How to set up a CI/CD workflow for Expo React Native application using Github Actions.

In this blog, we will see how to set up a CI/CD workflow using Github Actions for the Expo React Native application.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails now uses error_highlight to locate the columns where an error is present

With the help of Ruby 3.1's error_highlight functionality, Rails can now pinpoint the exact column where an error is present.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds default value support for binary columns for SQLite

Binary columns now behave like other column types with default values in SQLite.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 updates through_reflection to distribute transactions across database connections

Models that use multiple databases now perform writes within a single transaction.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Deepak is an Engineering Manager at Saeloun.

ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select adds support for hash values in Rails 7.1

ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#select adds support for hash values in Rails 7.1
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails extends routes searching to include dynamic URL params

Now search for `cats/10/toys/15` instead of `cats/:cat_id/toys/:id`, making it easier to find the route you're looking for.
authorImg Shruti Apte
authorImg Shruti Apte

Shruti is a ReactJS Developer.

Understanding the CSS parent selector :has()

If we want to target the parent element based on the content or the child elements we can use :has().
authorImg Keshav Biswa
authorImg Keshav Biswa

Keshav is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails "ActionController::Parameters.to_h" can now receive a block

ActionController::Parameters.to_h will now receive a block just like Hash#to_h and achieve parity. This gives the ability to customize the way parameters are passed to the controller.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 now reads ENV["SCHEMA_FORMAT"] when doing rails db:schema:{dump,load}

Previously rails db:schema:{dump,load} would only dump Ruby format. Now it reads ENV["SCHEMA_FORMAT"] to choose between Ruby and SQL formats.