Rails 7 now reads ENV["SCHEMA_FORMAT"] when doing rails db:schema:{dump,load}
Previously rails db:schema:{dump,load} would only dump Ruby format. Now it reads ENV["SCHEMA_FORMAT"] to choose between Ruby and SQL formats.Understanding CSS Feature Queries
CSS Feature Queries are a relatively new addition to the CSS specification, and provide a powerful tool for detecting support for various CSS features in the user's browser.ActiveRecord methods touch and update_columns no longer work for readonly models
Readonly models get updated when touch or update_columns is called.Rails 7 now accepts "html" and "screenshot" kwargs for system test screenshot helper
Pass in parameters to take_screenshot to choose an output format between image and HTML file.Rails adds beginless range support to clusivity
Rails now adds support to include the beginless range in active record inclusivity/exclusivity validators.The Ultimate Guide to Gemfile and Gemfile.lock
In-depth overview of what a Gemfile is and how a Gemfile works.Infinite Auto Scroll using Turbo only ( No Stimulus / No Javascript )
Infinite Auto Scroll on Rails 7 using only Turbo Frames and Turbo Streams without a Single line of Javascript.Ruby introduces Regexp.timeout
Ruby introduces the Regexp.timeout feature to prevent the unexpectedly Regexp matching and risk of DoS.Understanding the difference between React useEffect and useLayoutEffect hooks
useEffect hook and useLayoutEffect hook differ in the timing of their invocation. useEffect hook runs asynchronously after the DOM has been painted whereas useLayoutEffect runs synchronously after all DOM mutations.