
ECMAScript 2022 introduces at() method in Array, String, TypedArray

The at() method takes an integer value and returns the element at that index. It allows both positive and negative integers. Negative integers denote counting back from the last item in the array.

How to configure a Next.js app with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS?

A step-by-step guide on how to build a Next.js application with Typescript and Tailwind CSS

What's New in Tailwind CSS v3?

Tailwind CSS v3 has released its version 3 with several new utilities and variants for a more improved workflow.

ECMAScript: Top-level await

We can only use await operator within an async method. In ECMAScript 2022 we will be able to use it outside of the context of an async method in our modules.

Understanding static class features in JavaScript (ECMAScript 2022)

Private and public static fields along with private static methods would be officially included in ECMAScript 2022.

Rails 7 added --css app generator

Rails 7 added --css app generator for configuring CSS processors.

CSS custom properties

Custom properties give us the ability to set properties at the central place, which can be used whenever required.

Deep dive into public and private instance fields in JavaScript (ECMAScript 2022)

Class fields declaration allows declaring fields, up-front making class definitions become more self-documenting. As declared fields are always present, instances go through fewer state transitions. These class fields features would be officially included in ECMAScript 2022.

Private fields, methods and, accessors in JavaScript

The class fields proposal provides private fields for classes and instances to JavaScript. With this proposal, any class element can be private.

ECMAScript2021 adds new features WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry

ECMAScript2021 introduces new features WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry to manage garbage collection.