Rails 7: Action Text: forward form: option to hidden input
Add support for accessing the form as a property of theRails conforms to destroy_association_async_job config when destroying asynchronously
Rails no longer ignores the configuration option destroy_association_async_job when destroying objects with destroy_async option.Taking control of scroll with CSS Overscroll Behavior and Scroll Snap
Improve the scroll bar behavior with CSS properties 'overscroll-behavior' and 'scroll snap'.Rails 7 adds support for setting the schema dump filepath in the database config
Schema dumps can now be toggled and dump filepaths can be set for individual database shards.Rails 7 allows permitting numeric params
Rails 7 eliminates the issue of permitting nested hash. Now required attributes can be permitted by calling the permit method directly on the parent hash.Sneak peak into the workstation of Saeloun team!
Saeloun has been remote since it started. We asked our team to share a photograph of their workstation.Measuring and Optimizing Performance of a Rails application.
A comparative analysis of the performance metrics before and after completing the scale tests.Improve the performance of dropdown containing large data using Virtualization
Super large lists can slow down the site's performance significantly, at times even freeze the application. In such situations windowing (or virtualization) comes to the rescue.Rails provides better ActiveRecord enum assertions
ActiveRecord now explicitly checks if the enum values are empty by raising an ArgumentError.Ruby Fibers 101
Ruby 3 focuses more on concurrency with the introduction of Ruby Fibers and the Fiber Scheduler Interface.