authorImg Manmeet Singh
authorImg Manmeet Singh

Manmeet is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Remove Personal Identifiable Information(PII) from Data using AWS DMS

Remove Personal Identifiable Information ( PII ) from database with continuous changes
authorImg Mohini Dahiya
authorImg Mohini Dahiya

I am an 'ISTQB-TAE' Certified engineer having a passion for building quality software. Also, being a true 'Don Norman' fan, I am a UX Design and Research enthusiast with a strong appreciation for clean and intuitive designs. In between tasks you can find me grooving to my favorite songs or sipping tea with my family!

Cypress 8.6.0 - Unselect all selected options with[])

Cypress introduced the feature to un-select all selected options by passing an empty array.
authorImg Chetan Gawai
authorImg Chetan Gawai

I am a Javascript and React enthusiast, and I absolutely love writing technical blogs. There's just something about the process of breaking down complex concepts and sharing my knowledge with others that really excites me. In my free time, I enjoy exploring my other passions, such as painting, gardening, cooking, and managing my food blog.

Understanding static class features in JavaScript (ECMAScript 2022)

Private and public static fields along with private static methods would be officially included in ECMAScript 2022.
authorImg Akhil G Krishnan
authorImg Akhil G Krishnan

I'm a Rails and React enthusiast with over two year experience in web application development. I'm also an active member of technical communities in Kerala. Born and raised in Alappuzha, Kerala. In my free time I use to travelling and do open source contributions.

Rails 7 added --css app generator

Rails 7 added --css app generator for configuring CSS processors.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 replaces Webpacker with importmapped Hotwire as default JavaScript setup

A new Rails skeleton will not have to require the full JavaScript toolchain with Webpack by default as Rails 7 embraces the future of Javascript.
authorImg Apoorv Tiwari
authorImg Apoorv Tiwari

Apoorv is a Ruby on Rails and React Developer.

Cypress 8.6.0 adds overwrite option to cy.screenshot

Cypress introduced the overwrite:true as an option to cy.screenshot() command to overwrite existing screenshots with the same file name.
authorImg Murtaza Bagwala
authorImg Murtaza Bagwala

A passionate full stack software engineer having 7 years of experience in building scalable enterprise systems. I have worked predominantly with the JVM and Javascript ecosystem but currently exploring Rails. For me, software engineering is all about solving problems in the most optimal way. I am an avid practitioner of clean code practices and love to read about System Design and Architectures. When I am not coding I love to play playstation, read anything about aviation or go out for a long drive and of-course I am foodie by heart.

Different ways to handle state in React applications

Sometimes, it is better not to use any external state management tool unless our application is that complex. We can avoid complexities involved in state management using some of the inherent ways.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds the possibility to check on :priority for ActiveJob tests

Rails 7 gives us option to set `:priority` in test helper methods `assert_enqueued_with` and `assert_performed_with`.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds choices to Javascript generator option

Rails 7 introduces built-in support for webpacker and esbuild.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7: Instrument ActiveStorage analyzers

Rails 7 adds instrumentation for ActiveStorage analyzers so that the time of analysis can be tracked.