ECMAScript: Top-level await
We can only use await operator within an async method. In ECMAScript 2022 we will be able to use it outside of the context of an async method in our modules.Ruby 3.1 adds MatchData#match and MatchData#match_length
Ruby 3.1 MatchData#match returns the substring corresponding to the argument, while MatchData#match_length returns the length of the captured substring.Remove Personal Identifiable Information(PII) from Data using AWS DMS
Remove Personal Identifiable Information ( PII ) from database with continuous changesCypress 8.6.0 - Unselect all selected options with[])
Cypress introduced the feature to un-select all selected options by passing an empty array.Understanding static class features in JavaScript (ECMAScript 2022)
Private and public static fields along with private static methods would be officially included in ECMAScript 2022.Rails 7 replaces Webpacker with importmapped Hotwire as default JavaScript setup
A new Rails skeleton will not have to require the full JavaScript toolchain with Webpack by default as Rails 7 embraces the future of Javascript.Cypress 8.6.0 adds overwrite option to cy.screenshot
Cypress introduced the overwrite:true as an option to cy.screenshot() command to overwrite existing screenshots with the same file name.Different ways to handle state in React applications
Sometimes, it is better not to use any external state management tool unless our application is that complex. We can avoid complexities involved in state management using some of the inherent ways.Rails 7 adds the possibility to check on :priority for ActiveJob tests
Rails 7 gives us option to set `:priority` in test helper methods `assert_enqueued_with` and `assert_performed_with`.