authorImg Rakesh Khicher
authorImg Rakesh Khicher

Rakesh is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds `Enumerable#in_order_of` to put an enumerable in a certain order by a key.

With the addition of the `in_order_of` method, we can order enumerable based on the provided series.
authorImg Aditya Narsapurkar
authorImg Aditya Narsapurkar

Aditya is a Ruby on Rails and ReactJS Developer.

Rails 7 ActiveJob adds the ability to communicate enqueue failures to callers

ActiveJob's `perform_later` method provides a clean way of communicating enqueued job failures to the caller method, allowing developers to handle errors more efficiently.
authorImg Apoorv Tiwari
authorImg Apoorv Tiwari

Apoorv is a Ruby on Rails and React Developer.

Rails 7 enables scoping to apply to all queries

Rails 7 allows passing all_queries option to the scoping method. This change allows the scoping method to work on all queries for a model in a block.
authorImg Chetan Gawai
authorImg Chetan Gawai

I am a Javascript and React enthusiast, and I absolutely love writing technical blogs. There's just something about the process of breaking down complex concepts and sharing my knowledge with others that really excites me. In my free time, I enjoy exploring my other passions, such as painting, gardening, cooking, and managing my food blog.

React 17 removes event pooling in the modern browsers

React 17 removes event pooling in modern browsers as it does not improve the performance and causes confusion.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds the ability to schedule the query on the background thread pool

Rails 7 adds the ability to push database queries to the background thread pool, effectively reducing load times by utilizing I/O waits.
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade
authorImg Alkesh Ghorpade

I am a seasoned developer with over 9 years of experience in Ruby on Rails and Golang. My passion lies in tackling complex data structures and algorithm problems, always pushing myself to learn and grow. In my downtime, I find solace in the pages of books and the soothing sounds of a guitar. But I'm not just a one-trick pony! I love to stay active and challenge myself in other ways too. Whether it's on the football pitch, cricket field, table tennis table, or badminton court, I'm always up for some fun activities.

Rails 6.1 adds `if_exists` option in `remove_index` operation

Rails 6.1 adds the `if_exists` option in `remove_index` which when set to true won't raise an error if the index doesn't exist.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds direct ActiveStorage::Streaming support

Rails 7 adds a method to stream directly from your own controllers.
authorImg Deepak Mahakale
authorImg Deepak Mahakale

Deepak is an Engineering Manager at Saeloun.

Rails 7 adds `#with_all_rich_text` to eager load all rich text associations at once

Rails 7 adds `#with_all_rich_text` to ActionText for eager loading all rich text associations.
authorImg Keshav Biswa
authorImg Keshav Biswa

Keshav is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds maximum and minimum methods to Enumerable

Rails 7 adds `Enumerable#maximum` and `Enumerable#minimum` to calculate the maximum or minimum from extracted elements of an enumerable.
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla
authorImg Swaathi Kakarla

Swaathi Kakarla is a Ruby on Rails Developer.

Rails 7 adds ActiveRecord methods `#sole` and `#find_sole_by`

Rails 7 adds ActiveRecord methods `#sole` and `#find_sole_by` to uniquely match only one record in a database.